Welcome to the official API documentation for the Open Computational Chemistry project.
Note that this is the documentation for the code - not how to use the programs. If you are looking for tutorials, please visit the website:
A simple Hartree-Fock program
Here's a very brief example, indicative of the overall design of the program, implementing a very simple spin-restricted Hartree-Fock program.
int main(int argc, char argv**) {
using occ::scf::SCF;
HartreeFock<SpinorbitalKind::Restricted> hf(bs);
SCF<HartreeFock, SpinorbitalKind::Restricted> scf(hf);
double e = scf.compute_scf_energy();
return 0;
static AOBasis load(const AtomList &atoms, const std::string &name)
occ::core::Molecule molecule_from_xyz_file(const std::string &)
Definition spinorbital.h:8