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Represent a crystallographic space group, including all necessary symmetry operations in fractional coordinates, the international tables number from 1-230, and the international tables symbol.


Name Type Description
symbol str

The international tables short space group symbol

full_symbol str

The full international tables space group symbol

choice str

The space group choice (if applicable)

centering str

The space group centering (if applicable)

schoenflies str

The Schoenflies space group symbol

centrosymmetric bool

Whether or not the space group is centrosymmetric

symmetry_operations List[SymmetryOperation]

List of symmetry operations making up this space group

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
class SpaceGroup:
    Represent a crystallographic space group, including
    all necessary symmetry operations in fractional coordinates,
    the international tables number from 1-230, and the international
    tables symbol.

        symbol (str): The international tables short space group symbol
        full_symbol (str): The full international tables space group symbol
        choice (str): The space group choice (if applicable)
        centering (str): The space group centering (if applicable)
        schoenflies (str): The Schoenflies space group symbol
        centrosymmetric (bool): Whether or not the space group is centrosymmetric
        symmetry_operations (List[SymmetryOperation]): List of symmetry operations
            making up this space group

    def __init__(self, international_tables_number, choice=""):
        if international_tables_number < 1 or international_tables_number > 230:
            raise ValueError("Space group number must be between [1, 230]")
        self.international_tables_number = international_tables_number
        if international_tables_number in SG_DEFAULT_SETTING_CHOICE and not choice:
            choice = SG_DEFAULT_SETTING_CHOICE[international_tables_number]
        if not choice:
            sgdata = SG_FROM_NUMBER[str(international_tables_number)][0]
            candidates = SG_FROM_NUMBER[str(international_tables_number)]
            for candidate in candidates:
                if choice == candidate.choice:
                    sgdata = candidate
                raise ValueError("Could not find choice {}".format(choice))
        self.symbol = sgdata.short
        self.full_symbol = sgdata.full
        self.choice = sgdata.choice
        self.centering = sgdata.centering
        if choice not in ("b", "c", "R"):
            choice = None
        self._point_group = PointGroup.from_number(sgdata.pointgroup, choice=choice)
        self.schoenflies = sgdata.schoenflies
        self.centrosymmetric = sgdata.centrosymmetric
        symops = sgdata.symops
        self.symmetry_operations = [
            SymmetryOperation.from_integer_code(s) for s in symops
        self._sgdata = sgdata

    def cif_section(self) -> str:
        "Representation of the SpaceGroup in CIF files"
        return "\n".join(
            "{} {}".format(i, sym.cif_form)
            for i, sym in enumerate(self.symmetry_operations, start=1)

    def crystal17_spacegroup_symbol(self):
        tokens = []
        s =
        if "=" in s:
            s = s.split("=")[-1]
        s = iter(s)
        for ch in s:
            if ch == "_":
                tokens[-1] += next(s)
            elif ch == "/":
                tokens[-1] += ch + next(s)
            elif ch == "-":
                tokens.append(ch + next(s))
        return " ".join(tokens)

    def crystal_system(self) -> str:
        "The crystal system of the space group e.g. triclinic, monoclinic etc."
        sg = self.international_tables_number
        if sg <= 0 or sg >= 231:
            raise ValueError("International spacegroup number must be between 1-230")
        if sg <= 2:
            return "triclinic"
        if sg <= 16:
            return "monoclinic"
        if sg <= 74:
            return "orthorhombic"
        if sg <= 142:
            return "tetragonal"
        if sg <= 167:
            return "trigonal"
        if sg <= 194:
            return "hexagonal"
        return "cubic"

    def point_group(self):
        "the point group of this space group"
        return self._point_group

    def pg(self):
        "alias for `self.point_group`"
        return self._point_group

    def sym(self) -> str:
        "alias for `self.symbol`"
        return self.symbol

    def symbol_unicode(self) -> str:
        "the space group symbol with unicode subscripts"
        symbol = deepcopy(self.full_symbol)
        if "_" in symbol:
            tokens = symbol.split("_")
            symbol = tokens[0] + "".join(subscript(x[0]) + x[1:] for x in tokens[1:])
        if "-" in symbol:
            tokens = symbol.split("-")
            symbol = tokens[0] + "".join(overline(x[0]) + x[1:] for x in tokens[1:])
        return symbol

    def symops(self):
        "alias for `self.symmetry_operations`"
        return self.symmetry_operations

    def laue_class(self) -> str:
        "the Laue class of the point group associated with this space group"
        return self._point_group.laue_group

    def lattice_type(self) -> str:
        "the lattice type of this space group e.g. rhombohedral, hexagonal etc."
        inum = self.international_tables_number
        if inum < 143 or inum > 194:
            return self.crystal_system
        if inum in (146, 148, 155, 160, 161, 166, 167):
            if self.choice == "H":
                return "hexagonal"
            elif self.choice == "R":
                return "rhombohedral"
            return "hexagonal"

    def latt(self) -> int:
        The SHELX LATT number associated with this space group. Returns
        a negative if there is no inversion.

        Options are
        1: P,
        2: I,
        3: rhombohedral obverse on hexagonal axes,
        4: F,
        5: A,
        6: B,
        7: C

            >>> P1 = SpaceGroup(1)
            >>> P21c = SpaceGroup(14)
            >>> I41 = SpaceGroup(14)
            >>> R3bar = SpaceGroup(148)
            >>> P1.latt
            >>> P21c.latt
            >>> R3bar.latt

            int: the SHELX LATT number of this space group
        centering_to_latt = {
            "primitive": 1,  # P
            "body": 2,  # I
            "rcenter": 3,  # R
            "face": 4,  # F
            "aface": 5,  # A
            "bface": 6,  # B
            "cface": 7,  # C
        if not self.centrosymmetric:
            return -centering_to_latt[self.centering]
        return centering_to_latt[self.centering]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.symmetry_operations)

    def ordered_symmetry_operations(self):
        "The symmetry operations of this space group in order (with identiy first)"
        # make sure we do the unit symop first
        unity = 0
        for i, s in enumerate(self.symmetry_operations):
            if s.is_identity():
                unity = i
            raise ValueError(
                "Could not find identity symmetry_operation -- invalide space group"
        other_symops = (
            self.symmetry_operations[:unity] + self.symmetry_operations[unity + 1 :]
        return [self.symmetry_operations[unity]] + other_symops

    def apply_all_symops(self, coordinates: np.ndarray):
        For a given set of coordinates, apply all symmetry
        operations in this space group, yielding a set subject
        to only translational symmetry (i.e. a unit cell).
        Assumes the input coordinates are fractional.

            coordinates (np.ndarray): (N, 3) set of fractional coordinates

            Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: a (MxN) array of generator symop integers
                and an (MxN, 3) array of coordinates where M is the number of symmetry
                operations in this space group.
        nsites = len(coordinates)
        transformed = np.empty((nsites * len(self), 3))
        generator_symop = np.empty(nsites * len(self), dtype=np.int32)

        # make sure we do the unit symop first
        unity = 0
        for i, s in enumerate(self.symmetry_operations):
            if s.integer_code == 16484:
                unity = i
        transformed[0:nsites] = coordinates
        generator_symop[0:nsites] = 16484
        other_symops = (
            self.symmetry_operations[:unity] + self.symmetry_operations[unity + 1 :]
        for i, s in enumerate(other_symops, start=1):
            transformed[i * nsites : (i + 1) * nsites] = s(coordinates)
            generator_symop[i * nsites : (i + 1) * nsites] = s.integer_code
        return generator_symop, transformed

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<{} {}: {}>".format(
            self.__class__.__name__, self.international_tables_number, self.full_symbol

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (
            self.international_tables_number == other.international_tables_number
        ) and (self.choice == other.choice)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.international_tables_number, self.choice))

    def reduced_symmetry_operations(self):
        "returns a reduced list of symmetry operations"
        return reduced_symmetry_list(self.symmetry_operations, self.latt)

    def has_hexagonal_rhombohedral_choices(self) -> bool:
        "returns true if this space group could be "
        "represented as hexagonal or rhombohedral"
        return self.international_tables_number in (146, 148, 155, 160, 161, 166, 167)

    def from_symmetry_operations(cls, symops, expand_latt=None):
        Find a matching spacegroup for a given set of symmetry
        operations, optionally treating them as a reduced set of
        symmetry operations and expanding them based on the lattice

            symops (List[SymmetryOperation]): a reduced or full list
                of symmetry operations
            expand_latt (int, optional): the SHELX LATT number to expand
                this list of symmetry operations

            SpaceGroup: the matching `SpaceGroup` for the provided symmetry
                operations and LATT

        if expand_latt is not None:
            if not -8 < expand_latt < 8:
                raise ValueError("expand_latt must be between [-7, 7]")
            symops = expanded_symmetry_list(symops, expand_latt)
        encoded = tuple(sorted(s.integer_code for s in symops))
        if encoded not in SG_FROM_SYMOPS:
            raise ValueError(
                "Could not find matching spacegroup for "
                "the following symops:\n{}".format(
                    "\n".join(str(s) for s in sorted(symops))
            sgdata = SG_FROM_SYMOPS[encoded]
            return SpaceGroup(sgdata.number, choice=sgdata.choice)

    def from_symbol(cls, symbol):
        symbol = symbol.replace(" ", "")
        sgdata = SG_FROM_SYMBOL.get(symbol, None)
        special_cases = {
            "P21/a": "P12_1/a1",
            "P21/n": "P12_1/n1",
        symbol = special_cases.get(symbol, symbol)
        if sgdata is None:
            for number, groups in SG_FROM_NUMBER.items():
                if int(number) > 14:
                for g in groups:
                    intl ="=")[-1]
                    if symbol == intl:
                        sgdata = g
                    elif symbol == intl.replace("_", ""):
                        sgdata = g
                if sgdata is not None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Could not find matching space group for '{}'".format(symbol)

        return SpaceGroup(sgdata.number, choice=sgdata.choice)

cif_section: str property

Representation of the SpaceGroup in CIF files

crystal_system: str property

The crystal system of the space group e.g. triclinic, monoclinic etc.

latt: int property

The SHELX LATT number associated with this space group. Returns a negative if there is no inversion.

Options are

1: P,
2: I,
3: rhombohedral obverse on hexagonal axes,
4: F,
5: A,
6: B,
7: C


>>> P1 = SpaceGroup(1)
>>> P21c = SpaceGroup(14)
>>> I41 = SpaceGroup(14)
>>> R3bar = SpaceGroup(148)
>>> P1.latt
>>> P21c.latt
>>> R3bar.latt


Name Type Description
int int

the SHELX LATT number of this space group

lattice_type: str property

the lattice type of this space group e.g. rhombohedral, hexagonal etc.

laue_class: str property

the Laue class of the point group associated with this space group

pg property

alias for self.point_group

point_group property

the point group of this space group

sym: str property

alias for self.symbol

symbol_unicode: str property

the space group symbol with unicode subscripts

symops property

alias for self.symmetry_operations


For a given set of coordinates, apply all symmetry operations in this space group, yielding a set subject to only translational symmetry (i.e. a unit cell). Assumes the input coordinates are fractional.


Name Type Description Default
coordinates ndarray

(N, 3) set of fractional coordinates



Type Description

Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: a (MxN) array of generator symop integers and an (MxN, 3) array of coordinates where M is the number of symmetry operations in this space group.

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def apply_all_symops(self, coordinates: np.ndarray):
    For a given set of coordinates, apply all symmetry
    operations in this space group, yielding a set subject
    to only translational symmetry (i.e. a unit cell).
    Assumes the input coordinates are fractional.

        coordinates (np.ndarray): (N, 3) set of fractional coordinates

        Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: a (MxN) array of generator symop integers
            and an (MxN, 3) array of coordinates where M is the number of symmetry
            operations in this space group.
    nsites = len(coordinates)
    transformed = np.empty((nsites * len(self), 3))
    generator_symop = np.empty(nsites * len(self), dtype=np.int32)

    # make sure we do the unit symop first
    unity = 0
    for i, s in enumerate(self.symmetry_operations):
        if s.integer_code == 16484:
            unity = i
    transformed[0:nsites] = coordinates
    generator_symop[0:nsites] = 16484
    other_symops = (
        self.symmetry_operations[:unity] + self.symmetry_operations[unity + 1 :]
    for i, s in enumerate(other_symops, start=1):
        transformed[i * nsites : (i + 1) * nsites] = s(coordinates)
        generator_symop[i * nsites : (i + 1) * nsites] = s.integer_code
    return generator_symop, transformed

from_symmetry_operations(symops, expand_latt=None) classmethod

Find a matching spacegroup for a given set of symmetry operations, optionally treating them as a reduced set of symmetry operations and expanding them based on the lattice type.


Name Type Description Default
symops List[SymmetryOperation]

a reduced or full list of symmetry operations

expand_latt int

the SHELX LATT number to expand this list of symmetry operations



Name Type Description

the matching SpaceGroup for the provided symmetry operations and LATT

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def from_symmetry_operations(cls, symops, expand_latt=None):
    Find a matching spacegroup for a given set of symmetry
    operations, optionally treating them as a reduced set of
    symmetry operations and expanding them based on the lattice

        symops (List[SymmetryOperation]): a reduced or full list
            of symmetry operations
        expand_latt (int, optional): the SHELX LATT number to expand
            this list of symmetry operations

        SpaceGroup: the matching `SpaceGroup` for the provided symmetry
            operations and LATT

    if expand_latt is not None:
        if not -8 < expand_latt < 8:
            raise ValueError("expand_latt must be between [-7, 7]")
        symops = expanded_symmetry_list(symops, expand_latt)
    encoded = tuple(sorted(s.integer_code for s in symops))
    if encoded not in SG_FROM_SYMOPS:
        raise ValueError(
            "Could not find matching spacegroup for "
            "the following symops:\n{}".format(
                "\n".join(str(s) for s in sorted(symops))
        sgdata = SG_FROM_SYMOPS[encoded]
        return SpaceGroup(sgdata.number, choice=sgdata.choice)


returns true if this space group could be

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def has_hexagonal_rhombohedral_choices(self) -> bool:
    "returns true if this space group could be "
    "represented as hexagonal or rhombohedral"
    return self.international_tables_number in (146, 148, 155, 160, 161, 166, 167)


The symmetry operations of this space group in order (with identiy first)

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def ordered_symmetry_operations(self):
    "The symmetry operations of this space group in order (with identiy first)"
    # make sure we do the unit symop first
    unity = 0
    for i, s in enumerate(self.symmetry_operations):
        if s.is_identity():
            unity = i
        raise ValueError(
            "Could not find identity symmetry_operation -- invalide space group"
    other_symops = (
        self.symmetry_operations[:unity] + self.symmetry_operations[unity + 1 :]
    return [self.symmetry_operations[unity]] + other_symops


returns a reduced list of symmetry operations

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def reduced_symmetry_operations(self):
    "returns a reduced list of symmetry operations"
    return reduced_symmetry_list(self.symmetry_operations, self.latt)