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Class to represent a crystallographic symmetry operation, composed of a rotation and a translation.


Name Type Description
rotation ndarray

(3, 3) rotation matrix in fractional coordinates

translation ndarray

(3) translation vector in fractional coordinates

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
class SymmetryOperation:
    Class to represent a crystallographic symmetry operation,
    composed of a rotation and a translation.

        rotation (np.ndarray): (3, 3) rotation matrix in fractional coordinates
        translation (np.ndarray): (3) translation vector in fractional coordinates

    rotation: np.ndarray
    translation: np.ndarray

    def __init__(self, rotation, translation):
        Construct a new symmetry operation from a rotation matrix and
        a translation vector

            rotation (np.ndarray): (3, 3) rotation matrix
            translation (np.ndarray): (3) translation vector

            SymmetryOperation: a new SymmetryOperation
        self.rotation = rotation
        self.translation = translation % 1

    def seitz_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray:
        "The Seitz matrix form of this SymmetryOperation"
        s = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float64)
        s[:3, :3] = self.rotation
        s[:3, 3] = self.translation
        return s

    def integer_code(self) -> int:
        "Represent this SymmetryOperation as a packed integer"
        if not hasattr(self, "_integer_code"):
                self, "_integer_code", encode_symm_int(self.rotation, self.translation)
        return getattr(self, "_integer_code")

    def cif_form(self) -> str:
        "Represent this SymmetryOperation in string form e.g. '+x,+y,+z'"
        return str(self)

    def inverted(self):
        """ "
        A copy of this symmetry operation under inversion

            SymmetryOperation: an inverted copy of this symmetry operation
        return SymmetryOperation(-self.rotation, -self.translation)

    def __add__(self, value: np.ndarray):
        Add a vector to this symmetry operation's translation vector.

            SymmetryOperation: a copy of this symmetry operation under 
                additional translation"
        return SymmetryOperation(self.rotation, self.translation + value)

    def __sub__(self, value: np.ndarray):
        Subtract a vector from this symmetry operation's translation.

            SymmetryOperation: a copy of this symmetry operation under
                additional translation"
        return SymmetryOperation(self.rotation, self.translation - value)

    def apply(self, coordinates: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        Apply this symmetry operation to a set of fractional coordinates.

            coordinates (np.ndarray): (N,3) or (N,4) array of fractional
                coordinates or homogeneous fractional coordinates.

            np.ndarray: (N, 3) array of transformed coordinates
        if coordinates.shape[1] == 4:
            return, self.seitz_matrix.T)
            return, self.rotation.T) + self.translation

    def __str__(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_string_code"):
                self, "_string_code", encode_symm_str(self.rotation, self.translation)
        return getattr(self, "_string_code")

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.integer_code < other.integer_code

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.integer_code == other.integer_code

    def __hash__(self):
        return int(self.integer_code)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<{}: {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self)

    def __call__(self, coordinates):
        return self.apply(coordinates)

    def from_integer_code(cls, code: int):
        Alternative constructor from an integer-encoded
        symmetry operation e.g. 16484

        See also  the `encode_symm_int`, `decode_symm_int` methods.

            code (int): integer-encoded symmetry operation

            SymmetryOperation: a new symmetry operation from the provided integer code

        rot, trans = decode_symm_int(code)
        s = SymmetryOperation(rot, trans)
        setattr(s, "_integer_code", code)
        return s

    def from_string_code(cls, code: str):
        Alternative constructor from a string encoded
        symmetry operation e.g. '+x,+y,+z'.

        See also the `encode_symm_str`, `decode_symm_str` methods.

            code (str): string-encoded symmetry operation

            SymmetryOperation: a new symmetry operation from the provided string code
        rot, trans = decode_symm_str(code)
        s = SymmetryOperation(rot, trans)
        setattr(s, "_string_code", code)
        return s

    def is_identity(self) -> bool:
        "Returns true if this is the identity symmetry operation '+x,+y,+z'"
        return self.integer_code == 16484

    def identity(cls):
        "Alternative constructor for the the identity symop i.e. x,y,z"
        return cls.from_integer_code(16484)

cif_form: str property

Represent this SymmetryOperation in string form e.g. '+x,+y,+z'

integer_code: int property

Represent this SymmetryOperation as a packed integer

seitz_matrix: np.ndarray property

The Seitz matrix form of this SymmetryOperation


Add a vector to this symmetry operation's translation vector.


Name Type Description

a copy of this symmetry operation under additional translation"

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def __add__(self, value: np.ndarray):
    Add a vector to this symmetry operation's translation vector.

        SymmetryOperation: a copy of this symmetry operation under 
            additional translation"
    return SymmetryOperation(self.rotation, self.translation + value)

__init__(rotation, translation)

Construct a new symmetry operation from a rotation matrix and a translation vector


Name Type Description Default
rotation ndarray

(3, 3) rotation matrix

translation ndarray

(3) translation vector



Name Type Description

a new SymmetryOperation

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def __init__(self, rotation, translation):
    Construct a new symmetry operation from a rotation matrix and
    a translation vector

        rotation (np.ndarray): (3, 3) rotation matrix
        translation (np.ndarray): (3) translation vector

        SymmetryOperation: a new SymmetryOperation
    self.rotation = rotation
    self.translation = translation % 1


Subtract a vector from this symmetry operation's translation.


Name Type Description

a copy of this symmetry operation under additional translation"

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def __sub__(self, value: np.ndarray):
    Subtract a vector from this symmetry operation's translation.

        SymmetryOperation: a copy of this symmetry operation under
            additional translation"
    return SymmetryOperation(self.rotation, self.translation - value)


Apply this symmetry operation to a set of fractional coordinates.


Name Type Description Default
coordinates ndarray

(N,3) or (N,4) array of fractional coordinates or homogeneous fractional coordinates.



Type Description

np.ndarray: (N, 3) array of transformed coordinates

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def apply(self, coordinates: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Apply this symmetry operation to a set of fractional coordinates.

        coordinates (np.ndarray): (N,3) or (N,4) array of fractional
            coordinates or homogeneous fractional coordinates.

        np.ndarray: (N, 3) array of transformed coordinates
    if coordinates.shape[1] == 4:
        return, self.seitz_matrix.T)
        return, self.rotation.T) + self.translation

from_integer_code(code) classmethod

Alternative constructor from an integer-encoded symmetry operation e.g. 16484

See also the encode_symm_int, decode_symm_int methods.


Name Type Description Default
code int

integer-encoded symmetry operation



Name Type Description

a new symmetry operation from the provided integer code

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def from_integer_code(cls, code: int):
    Alternative constructor from an integer-encoded
    symmetry operation e.g. 16484

    See also  the `encode_symm_int`, `decode_symm_int` methods.

        code (int): integer-encoded symmetry operation

        SymmetryOperation: a new symmetry operation from the provided integer code

    rot, trans = decode_symm_int(code)
    s = SymmetryOperation(rot, trans)
    setattr(s, "_integer_code", code)
    return s

from_string_code(code) classmethod

Alternative constructor from a string encoded symmetry operation e.g. '+x,+y,+z'.

See also the encode_symm_str, decode_symm_str methods.


Name Type Description Default
code str

string-encoded symmetry operation



Name Type Description

a new symmetry operation from the provided string code

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def from_string_code(cls, code: str):
    Alternative constructor from a string encoded
    symmetry operation e.g. '+x,+y,+z'.

    See also the `encode_symm_str`, `decode_symm_str` methods.

        code (str): string-encoded symmetry operation

        SymmetryOperation: a new symmetry operation from the provided string code
    rot, trans = decode_symm_str(code)
    s = SymmetryOperation(rot, trans)
    setattr(s, "_string_code", code)
    return s

identity() classmethod

Alternative constructor for the the identity symop i.e. x,y,z

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def identity(cls):
    "Alternative constructor for the the identity symop i.e. x,y,z"
    return cls.from_integer_code(16484)


" A copy of this symmetry operation under inversion


Name Type Description

an inverted copy of this symmetry operation

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def inverted(self):
    """ "
    A copy of this symmetry operation under inversion

        SymmetryOperation: an inverted copy of this symmetry operation
    return SymmetryOperation(-self.rotation, -self.translation)


Returns true if this is the identity symmetry operation '+x,+y,+z'

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def is_identity(self) -> bool:
    "Returns true if this is the identity symmetry operation '+x,+y,+z'"
    return self.integer_code == 16484


Decode an integer encoded symmetry operation.

A space group operation is compressed using ternary numerical system for rotation and duodecimal system for translation. This is achieved because each element of rotation matrix can have only one of {-1,0,1}, and the translation can have one of {0,2,3,4,6,8,9,10} divided by 12. Therefore 3^9 * 12^3 = 34012224 different values can map space group operations. In principle, octal numerical system can be used for translation, but duodecimal system is more convenient.

encode_symm_str(*decode_symm_int(16484)) '+x,+y,+z'


Name Type Description Default
coded_integer int

integer encoding a symmetry operation



Type Description

Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: (3,3) rotation matrix, (3) translation vector

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def decode_symm_int(coded_integer):
    Decode an integer encoded symmetry operation.

    A space group operation is compressed using ternary numerical system for
    rotation and duodecimal system for translation. This is achieved because
    each element of rotation matrix can have only one of {-1,0,1}, and the
    translation can have one of {0,2,3,4,6,8,9,10} divided by 12.  Therefore
    3^9 * 12^3 = 34012224 different values can map space group operations. In
    principle, octal numerical system can be used for translation, but
    duodecimal system is more convenient.

    >>> encode_symm_str(*decode_symm_int(16484))

        coded_integer (int): integer encoding a symmetry operation

        Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: (3,3) rotation matrix, (3) translation vector
    r = coded_integer % 19683  # 19683 = 3**9
    shift = 6561  # 6561 = 3**8
    rotation = np.empty((3, 3), dtype=np.float64)
    translation = np.empty(3, dtype=np.float64)
    for i in (0, 1, 2):
        for j in (0, 1, 2):
            # we need integer division here
            rotation[i, j] = (r % (shift * 3)) // shift - 1
            shift //= 3

    t = coded_integer // 19683
    shift = 144
    for i in (0, 1, 2):
        # we need integer division here by shift
        translation[i] = ((t % (shift * 12)) // shift) / 12
        shift //= 12
    return rotation, translation


Decode a symmetry operation represented in the string form e.g. '1/2 + x, y, -z -0.25' into a rotation matrix and translation vector.

encode_symm_str(decode_symm_str("x,y,z")) '+x,+y,+z' encode_symm_str(decode_symm_str("1/2 - x,y-0.3333333,z")) '1/2-x,2/3+y,+z'


Name Type Description Default
s str

the encoded symmetry operation string



Type Description

Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: a (3,3) rotation matrix and a (3) translation vector

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def decode_symm_str(s):
    Decode a symmetry operation represented in the string
    form e.g. '1/2 + x, y, -z -0.25' into a rotation matrix
    and translation vector.

    >>> encode_symm_str(*decode_symm_str("x,y,z"))
    >>> encode_symm_str(*decode_symm_str("1/2 - x,y-0.3333333,z"))

        s (str): the encoded symmetry operation string

        Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: a (3,3) rotation matrix and a (3)
            translation vector
    rotation = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.float64)
    translation = np.zeros((3,), dtype=np.float64)
    tokens = s.lower().replace(" ", "").split(",")
    for i, row in enumerate(tokens):
        fac = 1
        row = row.strip()
        symbols = re.findall(SYMM_STR_SYMBOL_REGEX, row)
        for symbol in symbols:
            if "x" in symbol:
                idx = 0
                fac = -1 if "-x" in symbol else 1
                rotation[i, idx] = fac
            elif "y" in symbol:
                idx = 1
                fac = -1 if "-y" in symbol else 1
                rotation[i, idx] = fac
            elif "z" in symbol:
                idx = 2
                fac = -1 if "-z" in symbol else 1
                rotation[i, idx] = fac
                if "/" in symbol:
                    numerator, denominator = symbol.split("/")
                    translation[i] = Fraction(
                        Fraction(numerator), Fraction(denominator)
                    translation[i] += float(Fraction(symbol))
    translation = translation % 1
    return rotation, translation

encode_symm_int(rotation, translation)

Encode an integer encoded symmetry from a rotation matrix and translation vector.

A space group operation is compressed using ternary numerical system for rotation and duodecimal system for translation. This is achieved because each element of rotation matrix can have only one of {-1,0,1}, and the translation can have one of {0,2,3,4,6,8,9,10} divided by 12. Therefore 3^9 * 12^3 = 34012224 different values can map space group operations. In principle, octal numerical system can be used for translation, but duodecimal system is more convenient.

encode_symm_int(((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)), (0, 0, 0)) 16484 encode_symm_int(((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1)), (0, 0.5, 0)) 1433663

Args: rotation (array_like): (3,3) matrix of -1, 0, or 1s encoding the rotation component of the symmetry operation translation (array_like): (3) vector of rational numbers encoding the translation component of the symmetry operation


Name Type Description

the encoded symmetry operation

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def encode_symm_int(rotation, translation):
    Encode an integer encoded symmetry from a rotation matrix and translation

    A space group operation is compressed using ternary numerical system for
    rotation and duodecimal system for translation. This is achieved because
    each element of rotation matrix can have only one of {-1,0,1}, and the
    translation can have one of {0,2,3,4,6,8,9,10} divided by 12.  Therefore
    3^9 * 12^3 = 34012224 different values can map space group operations. In
    principle, octal numerical system can be used for translation, but
    duodecimal system is more convenient.

    >>> encode_symm_int(((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)), (0, 0, 0))
    >>> encode_symm_int(((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1)), (0, 0.5, 0))

        rotation (array_like): (3,3) matrix of -1, 0, or 1s encoding
            the rotation component of the symmetry operation
        translation (array_like): (3) vector of rational numbers encoding
            the translation component of the symmetry operation

        int: the encoded symmetry operation

    r = 0
    shift = 1
    # encode rotation component
    rotation = np.round(np.array(rotation)).astype(int) + 1
    for i in (2, 1, 0):
        for j in (2, 1, 0):
            r += rotation[i, j] * shift
            shift *= 3
    t = 0
    shift = 1
    translation = np.round(np.array(translation) * 12).astype(int)
    for i in (2, 1, 0):
        t += translation[i] * shift
        shift *= 12
    return r + t * 19683

encode_symm_str(rotation, translation)

Encode a rotation matrix (of -1, 0, 1s) and (rational) translation vector into string form e.g. 1/2-x,z-1/3,-y-1/6

encode_symm_str(((-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0)), (0, 0.5, 1/3)) '-x,1/2+z,1/3+y' encode_symm_str(((1, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0)), (0, 0.5, 1/3)) '+x+y+z,1/2+x+z,1/3+y'


Name Type Description Default
rotation array_like

(3,3) matrix of -1, 0, or 1s encoding the rotation component of the symmetry operation

translation array_like

(3) vector of rational numbers encoding the translation component of the symmetry operation



Name Type Description

the encoded symmetry operation

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def encode_symm_str(rotation, translation):
    Encode a rotation matrix (of -1, 0, 1s) and (rational) translation vector
    into string form e.g. 1/2-x,z-1/3,-y-1/6

    >>> encode_symm_str(((-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0)), (0, 0.5, 1/3))
    >>> encode_symm_str(((1, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0)), (0, 0.5, 1/3))

        rotation (array_like): (3,3) matrix of -1, 0, or 1s encoding
            the rotation component of the symmetry operation
        translation (array_like): (3) vector of rational numbers encoding
            the translation component of the symmetry operation

        str: the encoded symmetry operation
    symbols = "xyz"
    res = []
    for i in (0, 1, 2):
        t = Fraction(translation[i]).limit_denominator(12)
        v = ""
        if t != 0:
            v += str(t)
        for j in range(0, 3):
            c = rotation[i][j]
            if c != 0:
                s = "-" if c < 0 else "+"
                v += s + symbols[j]
    res = ",".join(res)
    return res

expanded_symmetry_list(reduced_symops, lattice_type)

Create an expanded list of symmetry operations from the minimum specification given a certain lattice type.


Name Type Description Default
reduced_symops List[SymmetryOperation]

reduced list of symmetry operations

lattice_type int

integer encoded lattice type with SHELX conventions, i.e.

1: P,
2: I,
3: rhombohedral obverse on hexagonal axes,
4: F,
5: A,
6: B,
7: C


Returns: List[SymmetryOperation]: an expanded list of symmetry operations given lattice type

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def expanded_symmetry_list(reduced_symops, lattice_type):
    Create an expanded list of symmetry operations from the minimum
    specification given a certain lattice type.

        reduced_symops (List[SymmetryOperation]): reduced list of symmetry operations
        lattice_type (int): integer encoded lattice type with SHELX conventions, i.e.
            1: P,
            2: I,
            3: rhombohedral obverse on hexagonal axes,
            4: F,
            5: A,
            6: B,
            7: C
        List[SymmetryOperation]: an expanded list of symmetry operations
            given lattice type
    lattice_type_value = abs(lattice_type)
    translations = LATTICE_TYPE_TRANSLATIONS[lattice_type_value]

    identity = SymmetryOperation.identity()
    if identity not in reduced_symops:
        LOG.debug("Appending identity symop %s to reduced_symops")
    LOG.debug("Reduced symmetry list contains %d symops", len(reduced_symops))

    full_symops = []

    for symop in reduced_symops:
        for t in translations:
            full_symops.append(symop + t)

    if lattice_type > 0:
        full_symops += [x.inverted() for x in full_symops]

    LOG.debug("Expanded symmetry list contains %d symops", len(full_symops))
    return full_symops

reduced_symmetry_list(full_symops, lattice_type)

Reduce an expanded list of symmetry operations to the minimum specification given a certain lattice type.


Name Type Description Default
full_symops List[SymmetryOperation]

list of symmetry operations

lattice_type int

integer encoded lattice type with SHELX conventions, i.e.

1: P,
2: I,
3: rhombohedral obverse on hexagonal axes,
4: F,
5: A,
6: B,
7: C


Returns: List[SymmetryOperation]: minimal list of symmetry operations given lattice type

Source code in chmpy/crystal/
def reduced_symmetry_list(full_symops, lattice_type):
    Reduce an expanded list of symmetry operations to the minimum
    specification given a certain lattice type.

        full_symops (List[SymmetryOperation]): list of symmetry operations
        lattice_type (int): integer encoded lattice type with SHELX conventions, i.e.
            1: P,
            2: I,
            3: rhombohedral obverse on hexagonal axes,
            4: F,
            5: A,
            6: B,
            7: C
        List[SymmetryOperation]: minimal list of symmetry operations given lattice type
    lattice_type_value = abs(lattice_type)
    translations = LATTICE_TYPE_TRANSLATIONS[lattice_type_value]

    reduced_symops = [SymmetryOperation.identity()]
    symops_to_process = list(full_symops)

    inversion = lattice_type > 0

    while symops_to_process:
        next_symop = symops_to_process.pop(0)
        if next_symop in reduced_symops:
        if inversion and next_symop.inverted() in reduced_symops:
        for t in translations:
            x = next_symop + t
            if inversion and x.inverted() in reduced_symops:
            if x in reduced_symops:

    LOG.debug("Reduced symmetry list contains %d symops", len(reduced_symops))
    return reduced_symops