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Isosurfaces for molecules in crystals or isolation.

promolecule_density_isosurface(promol, isovalue=0.002, sep=0.2, props=True, extra_props=None, smoothing='laplacian')

Calculate the promolecule density isosurface.


Name Type Description Default
isovalue float

level set value for the isosurface (default=0.002) in au.

separation float

separation between density grid used in the surface calculation (default 0.2) in Angstroms.

props bool

calculate surface properties

extra_props(dict, optional

dictionary of property names and functions of vertex positions for the calculation of additional properties on the isosurface


Returns: IsosurfaceMesh: a namedtuple of vertices, faces, face normals and vertex properties

Source code in chmpy/
def promolecule_density_isosurface(
    promol, isovalue=0.002, sep=0.2, props=True, extra_props=None, smoothing="laplacian"
    """Calculate the promolecule density isosurface.

        isovalue (float, optional): level set value for the isosurface
            (default=0.002) in au.
        separation (float, optional):  separation between density grid
                used in the surface calculation (default 0.2) in Angstroms.
        props (bool, optional): calculate surface properties
        extra_props(dict, optional): dictionary of property names and functions
            of vertex positions for the calculation of additional properties
            on the isosurface
        IsosurfaceMesh: a namedtuple of vertices, faces,
            face normals and vertex properties
    t1 = time.time()
    l, u =
    x_grid = np.arange(l[0], u[0], sep, dtype=np.float32)
    y_grid = np.arange(l[1], u[1], sep, dtype=np.float32)
    z_grid = np.arange(l[2], u[2], sep, dtype=np.float32)
    x, y, z = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid, z_grid)
    separations = np.array((sep, sep, sep))
    shape = x.shape
    pts = np.c_[x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel()]
    d = promol.rho(pts).reshape(shape)
    verts, faces, normals, _ = marching_cubes(
        d, isovalue, spacing=(sep, sep, sep), gradient_direction="descent"
    LOG.debug("Separation (x,y,z): %s", separations)
    verts = np.c_[verts[:, 1], verts[:, 0], verts[:, 2]] + l
    LOG.debug("Surface centroid: %s", np.mean(verts, axis=0))
    LOG.debug("Mol centroid: %s", np.mean(promol.positions, axis=0))
    LOG.debug("Max (x,y,z): %s", np.max(verts, axis=0))
    LOG.debug("Min (x,y,z): %s", np.min(verts, axis=0))
    vertex_props = {}

    if smoothing == "laplacian":
        verts, faces = smooth_laplacian(verts, faces)

    if props:
        if extra_props is not None:
            for k, func in extra_props.items():
                LOG.debug("Calculating additional surface property: %s", k)
                vertex_props[k] = func(verts)
        d_i, d_norm_i, vecs = promol.d_norm(verts)
        vertex_props["d_i"] = d_i
        vertex_props["d_norm_i"] = d_norm_i
        LOG.debug("d_i (min, max): (%.2f, %.2f)", np.min(d_i), np.max(d_i))
    t2 = time.time()"promolecule surface took %.3fs, %d pts", t2 - t1, len(pts))
    return IsosurfaceMesh(verts, faces, normals, vertex_props)

smooth_laplacian(vertices, faces, **kwargs)

Smooth vertices and faces using a Laplacian filter

Source code in chmpy/
def smooth_laplacian(vertices, faces, **kwargs):
    """Smooth vertices and faces using a Laplacian filter"""
    from trimesh.smoothing import filter_humphrey
    from trimesh import Trimesh

    kwargs.setdefault("iterations", 2)
    mesh = Trimesh(vertices, faces)
    filter_humphrey(mesh, **kwargs)
    return mesh.vertices, mesh.faces

stockholder_weight_isosurface(s, isovalue=0.5, sep=0.2, props=True, extra_props=None, smoothing='laplacian')

Calculate stockholder weight (Hirshfeld) surface.


Name Type Description Default
isovalue float

level set value for the isosurface (default=0.5), dimensionless.

separation float

separation between density grid used in the surface calculation (default 0.2) in Angstroms.

props bool

calculate surface properties

extra_props(dict, optional

dictionary of property names and functions of vertex positions for the calculation of additional properties on the isosurface


Returns: IsosurfaceMesh: a namedtuple of vertices, faces, face normals and vertex properties

Source code in chmpy/
def stockholder_weight_isosurface(
    s, isovalue=0.5, sep=0.2, props=True, extra_props=None, smoothing="laplacian"
    """Calculate stockholder weight (Hirshfeld) surface.

        isovalue (float, optional): level set value for the isosurface
            (default=0.5), dimensionless.
        separation (float, optional):  separation between density grid
                used in the surface calculation (default 0.2) in Angstroms.
        props (bool, optional): calculate surface properties
        extra_props(dict, optional): dictionary of property names and functions
            of vertex positions for the calculation of additional properties
            on the isosurface
        IsosurfaceMesh: a namedtuple of vertices, faces,
            face normals and vertex properties
    t1 = time.time()
    l, u =
    x_grid = np.arange(l[0], u[0], sep, dtype=np.float32)
    y_grid = np.arange(l[1], u[1], sep, dtype=np.float32)
    z_grid = np.arange(l[2], u[2], sep, dtype=np.float32)
    x, y, z = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid, z_grid)
    separations = np.array((sep, sep, sep))
    shape = x.shape
    pts = np.c_[x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel()]
    pts = np.array(pts, dtype=np.float32)
    weights = s.weights(pts).reshape(shape)
    verts, faces, normals, _ = marching_cubes(
        weights, isovalue, spacing=separations, gradient_direction="descent"

    if smoothing == "laplacian":
        verts, faces = smooth_laplacian(verts, faces)

    LOG.debug("Separation (x,y,z): %s", separations)
    verts = np.c_[verts[:, 1], verts[:, 0], verts[:, 2]] + l
    LOG.debug("Surface centroid: %s", np.mean(verts, axis=0))
    LOG.debug("Mol centroid: %s", np.mean(s.dens_a.positions, axis=0))
    LOG.debug("Max (x,y,z): %s", np.max(verts, axis=0))
    LOG.debug("Min (x,y,z): %s", np.min(verts, axis=0))
    vertex_props = {}
    if props:
        if extra_props is not None:
            for k, func in extra_props.items():
                LOG.debug("Calculating additional surface property: %s", k)
                vertex_props[k] = func(verts)
        d_i, d_e, d_norm_i, d_norm_e, dp, angles = s.d_norm(verts)
        vertex_props["d_i"] = d_i
        vertex_props["d_e"] = d_e
        vertex_props["d_norm_i"] = d_norm_i
        vertex_props["d_norm_e"] = d_norm_e
        d_norm = d_norm_i + d_norm_e
        vertex_props["d_norm"] = d_norm
        vertex_props["dp"] = dp
        vertex_props["angle"] = np.abs(angles)
        LOG.debug("d_norm (min, max): (%.2f, %.2f)", np.min(d_norm), np.max(d_norm))
    t2 = time.time()"stockholder weight surface took %.3fs, %d pts", t2 - t1, len(pts))
    return IsosurfaceMesh(verts, faces, normals, vertex_props)