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molecule_to_meshes(molecule, **kwargs)

Convert the provided molecule into a list of trimesh Meshes representing the molecule either as van der Waals spheres or as a CPK representation.


Name Type Description Default
molecule Molecule

The molecule to represent

kwargs dict

Optional Keyword arguments



Name Type Description

a list of meshes representing atoms and (optionally) bonds

Source code in chmpy/util/
def molecule_to_meshes(molecule, **kwargs):
    Convert the provided molecule into a list
    of trimesh Meshes representing the molecule
    either as van der Waals spheres or as a CPK

        molecule (Molecule): The molecule to represent
        kwargs (dict): Optional Keyword arguments

        list: a list of meshes representing atoms and (optionally) bonds

    from trimesh.creation import icosphere, cylinder
    from trimesh import Scene
    from trimesh import Trimesh
    import numpy as np
    from chmpy import Element
    from copy import deepcopy

    representation = kwargs.get("representation", "ball_stick")
    base_sphere = icosphere(subdivisions=3)
    mesh_primitives = []
    n_points = len(base_sphere.vertices)
    vertices = []
    faces = []
    colors = []
    offset = 0
    meshes = {}
    for i, (el, pos) in enumerate(molecule):
        m = base_sphere.copy()
        m.apply_scale(getattr(el, f"{representation}_radius"))
        m.visual.vertex_colors = np.repeat([el.color], n_points, axis=0)
        meshes[f"atom_{molecule.labels[i]}"] = m
    if representation == "ball_stick":
        bond_thickness = 0.12
        for i, (a, b, d) in enumerate(molecule.unique_bonds):
            x1 = molecule.positions[a]
            x3 = molecule.positions[b]
            cyl = cylinder(bond_thickness, d, segment=(x1, x3))
            cyl.visual.vertex_colors = np.repeat(
                [(100, 100, 100, 255),], cyl.vertices.shape[0], axis=0,
            bond_label = f"bond_{molecule.labels[a]}_{molecule.labels[b]}"
            meshes[bond_label] = cyl
    return meshes

save_mesh(mesh, filename)

Save the given Trimesh to a file.


Name Type Description Default
mesh Trimesh

The mesh to save.

filename str

The path to the destination file.

Source code in chmpy/util/
def save_mesh(mesh, filename):
    Save the given Trimesh to a file.

        mesh (trimesh.Trimesh): The mesh to save.
        filename (str): The path to the destination file.
    ext = filename.split(".")[-1]
    with open(filename, "wb") as f:
        mesh.export(f, ext)

    LOG.debug("Saved mesh %s to %s", mesh, filename)