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Construct the N type invariants from SHT coefficients. If coefficients is of length n, the size of the result will be sqrt(n)


Name Type Description Default
coefficients ndarray

the set of spherical harmonic coefficients



Type Description

np.ndarray the N type rotational invariants based on these coefficients

Source code in chmpy/shape/
def make_N_invariants(coefficients) -> np.ndarray:
    Construct the `N` type invariants from SHT coefficients.
    If coefficients is of length n, the size of the result will be sqrt(n)

        coefficients (np.ndarray): the set of spherical harmonic coefficients

        np.ndarray the `N` type rotational invariants based on these coefficients
    size = int(np.sqrt(len(coefficients)))
    invariants = np.empty(shape=(size), dtype=np.float64)
    for i in range(0, size):
        lower, upper = i**2, (i + 1) ** 2
        invariants[i] = np.sum(
            coefficients[lower : upper + 1] * np.conj(coefficients[lower : upper + 1])
    return np.sqrt(invariants)

make_invariants(l_max, coefficients, kinds='NP')

Construct the N and/or P type invariants from SHT coefficients.


Name Type Description Default
l_max int

the maximum angular momentum of the coefficients

coefficients ndarray

the set of spherical harmonic coefficients

kinds str

which kinds of invariants to include



Type Description

np.ndarray the N and/or P type rotational invariants based on these coefficients

Source code in chmpy/shape/
def make_invariants(l_max, coefficients, kinds="NP") -> np.ndarray:
    Construct the `N` and/or `P` type invariants from SHT coefficients.

        l_max (int): the maximum angular momentum of the coefficients
        coefficients (np.ndarray): the set of spherical harmonic coefficients
        kinds (str, optional): which kinds of invariants to include

        np.ndarray the `N` and/or `P` type rotational invariants based on these

    invariants = []
    if "N" in kinds:
    if "P" in kinds:
        # Because we only have factorial precision (double precision)
        # in our clebsch implementation up to 70! l_max for P type
        # invariants is restricted to <= 23
        # TODO use a better clebsch gordan coefficients implementation
        # e.g. that in
        pfunc = p_invariants_c
        MAX_L_MAX = 23
        if l_max > MAX_L_MAX:
            if not _HAVE_WARNED_ABOUT_LMAX_P:
                    f"P type invariants only supported up to l_max = {MAX_L_MAX}: "
                    "will only using N type invariants beyond that."
                _HAVE_WARNED_ABOUT_LMAX_P = True
            c = coefficients[: MAX_L_MAX * MAX_L_MAX]
    return np.hstack(invariants)

promolecule_density_descriptor(sht, n_i, p_i, **kwargs)

Calculate the shape description of the promolecule density isosurface.


Name Type Description Default
sht SHT

the spherical harmonic transform object handle

n_i ndarray

atomic numbers of the atoms

p_i ndarray

Cartesian coordinates of the atoms


keyword arguments for optional settings.


Keyword Args: isovalue (float): change the Hirshfeld weight value (default 0.5) with_property (str): calculate the combined shape + surface property descriptor using the specified property on the surface (e.g. d_norm, esp) bounds (Tuple): modify the lower/upper bounds on the search for the isovalue (default 0.1, 20.0) coefficients (bool): also return the coefficients of the SHT origin (np.ndarray): specify the center of the surface (default is the geometric centroid of the atoms) kinds (str): the kinds of invariants to calculate (default 'NP') Returns: np.ndarray: the rotation invariant descriptors of the promolecule surface shape

Source code in chmpy/shape/
def promolecule_density_descriptor(sht, n_i, p_i, **kwargs):
    Calculate the shape description of the promolecule density isosurface.

        sht (SHT): the spherical harmonic transform object handle
        n_i (np.ndarray): atomic numbers of the atoms
        p_i (np.ndarray): Cartesian coordinates of the atoms
        **kwargs: keyword arguments for optional settings.
    Keyword Args:
        isovalue (float): change the Hirshfeld weight value (default 0.5)
        with_property (str): calculate the combined shape + surface
            property descriptor using the specified property on the
            surface (e.g. d_norm, esp)
        bounds (Tuple): modify the lower/upper bounds on the search for
            the isovalue (default 0.1, 20.0)
        coefficients (bool): also return the coefficients of the SHT
        origin (np.ndarray): specify the center of the surface
            (default is the geometric centroid of the atoms)
        kinds (str): the kinds of invariants to calculate (default 'NP')
        np.ndarray: the rotation invariant descriptors of the promolecule surface shape
    isovalue = kwargs.get("isovalue", 0.0002)
    property_function = kwargs.get("with_property", None)
    r_min, r_max = kwargs.get("bounds", (0.4, 20.0))
    pro = PromoleculeDensity((n_i, p_i))
    g = np.empty((sht.grid[0].size, 3), dtype=np.float32)
    x, y, z = sht.grid_cartesian
    g[:, 0] = x.flatten()
    g[:, 1] = y.flatten()
    g[:, 2] = z.flatten()

    o = kwargs.get("origin", np.mean(p_i, axis=0, dtype=np.float32))
    r = sphere_promolecule_radii(
        pro.dens, o, g, r_min, r_max, 1e-12, 30, isovalue
    if np.any(r < 0):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Unable to find isovalue {isovalue:.2f} in all "
            f"directions for bounds ({r_min:.2f}, {r_max:.2f})"
    real = True
    if property_function is not None:
        if property_function == "d_norm":
            def property_function(x):
                return pro.d_norm(x)[1]
        elif property_function == "esp":
            from chmpy import Molecule

            els = pro.elements
            pos = pro.positions
            property_function = Molecule.from_arrays(els, pos).electrostatic_potential
        r = _compute_property_in_j_channel(sht, r, property_function)
        real = False
    l_max = sht.lmax
    coeffs = sht.analysis(r)
    coeff4inv = expand_coeffs_to_full(l_max, coeffs) if real else coeffs
    invariants = make_invariants(l_max, coeff4inv, kinds=kwargs.get("kinds", "NP"))

    if kwargs.get("coefficients", False):
        return coeffs, invariants
    return invariants

stockholder_weight_descriptor(sht, n_i, p_i, n_e, p_e, **kwargs)

Calculate the 'stockholder weight' shape descriptors based on the Hirshfeld weight i.e. ratio of electron density from the 'interior' to the total electron density.


Name Type Description Default
sht SHT

the spherical harmonic transform object handle

n_i ndarray

atomic numbers of the interior atoms

p_i ndarray

Cartesian coordinates of the interior atoms

n_e ndarray

atomic numbers of the exterior atoms

p_e ndarray

Cartesian coordinates of the exterior atoms


Other Parameters:

Name Type Description
isovalue float

change the Hirshfeld weight value (default 0.5)

background float

include an optional 'background' electron density (default 0.0)

with_property str

calculate the combined shape + surface property descriptor using the specified property on the surface (e.g. d_norm, esp)

bounds Tuple

modify the lower/upper bounds on the search for the isovalue (default 0.1, 20.0)

coefficients bool

also return the coefficients of the SHT

origin ndarray

specify the center of the surface (default is the geometric centroid of the interior atoms)

kinds str

the kinds of invariants to calculate (default 'NP')

Returns: np.ndarray: the rotation invariant descriptors of the Hirshfeld surface shape

Source code in chmpy/shape/
def stockholder_weight_descriptor(sht, n_i, p_i, n_e, p_e, **kwargs):
    Calculate the 'stockholder weight' shape descriptors based on the
    Hirshfeld weight i.e. ratio of electron density from the 'interior'
    to the total electron density.

        sht (SHT): the spherical harmonic transform object handle
        n_i (np.ndarray): atomic numbers of the interior atoms
        p_i (np.ndarray): Cartesian coordinates of the interior atoms
        n_e (np.ndarray): atomic numbers of the exterior atoms
        p_e (np.ndarray): Cartesian coordinates of the exterior atoms

    Keyword Args:
        isovalue (float): change the Hirshfeld weight value (default 0.5)
        background (float): include an optional 'background' electron
            density (default 0.0)
        with_property (str): calculate the combined shape + surface
            property descriptor using the specified property on the
            surface (e.g. d_norm, esp)
        bounds (Tuple): modify the lower/upper bounds on the search for
            the isovalue (default 0.1, 20.0)
        coefficients (bool): also return the coefficients of the SHT
        origin (np.ndarray): specify the center of the surface
            (default is the geometric centroid of the interior atoms)
        kinds (str): the kinds of invariants to calculate (default 'NP')
        np.ndarray: the rotation invariant descriptors of the Hirshfeld surface shape
    isovalue = kwargs.get("isovalue", 0.5)
    background = kwargs.get("background", 0.0)
    property_function = kwargs.get("with_property", None)
    r_min, r_max = kwargs.get("bounds", (0.1, 20.0))
    o = kwargs.get("origin", np.mean(p_i, axis=0, dtype=np.float32))
    s = StockholderWeight.from_arrays(n_i, p_i, n_e, p_e, background=background)
    g = np.empty((sht.grid[0].size, 3), dtype=np.float32)
    x, y, z = sht.grid_cartesian
    g[:, 0] = x.flatten()
    g[:, 1] = y.flatten()
    g[:, 2] = z.flatten()

    r = sphere_stockholder_radii(s.s, o, g, r_min, r_max, 1e-7, 30, isovalue).reshape(
    if np.any(r < 0):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Unable to find isovalue {isovalue:.2f} in all directions"
            f"for bounds ({r_min:.2f}, {r_max:.2f})"
    real = True
    if property_function is not None:
        if property_function == "d_norm":
            def property_function(x):
                return s.d_norm(x)[3]
        elif property_function == "esp":
            from chmpy import Molecule

            property_function = Molecule.from_arrays(
                s.dens_a.elements, s.dens_a.positions
        r = _compute_property_in_j_channel(sht, r, property_function, origin=o)
        real = False
    l_max = sht.lmax
    coeffs = sht.analysis(r)

    coeff4inv = expand_coeffs_to_full(l_max, coeffs) if real else coeffs
    invariants = make_invariants(l_max, coeff4inv, kinds=kwargs.get("kinds", "NP"))

    if kwargs.get("coefficients", False):
        return coeffs, invariants
    return invariants